The San Pedro cactus is undoubtedly one of the oldest magical and mystical plants in South America: it has been used for more than 3,300 years.

San Pedritos
As many say, “with mescaline cacti, the hangover precedes drunkenness.” One to several unpleasant side effects may occur between one and four hours after ingestion: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, palpitations, stomach aches, chest, neck and head, tremors and displeasure (sensations of heat and cold), need urgent urination, and malaise. Some people feel like they are on the verge of death, with great anxiety and fear … but this phase passes and nobody dies, on the contrary it is life-giving and renewing, it feels euphoria, joy and exaltation, happiness and daydreams, pleasant fantasies, visions , distortion of sensory perceptions, synesthesia and contemplative mood. The visions are the most impressive but not all people have them. Thoughts and images appear at full speed for eight to ten hours, although few say they have felt tired. Both with mescaline and without taking anything, sometimes we feel a sense of unreality and nonsense, which can be unpleasant and alarming when missing the usual ordinary landmarks. The effect may seem magical and comical, but it is always very intense and extraordinary. The mescaline produces feelings and ideas of deep significance, everything seems infinite and wonderful, everything is related to everything, feelings of unity with the whole flood the soul. The best descriptions of the effects of mescaline are in the well-known and often quoted book “The doors of perception” (Huxley 2004).